Types of fostering

Types of Fostering

Fostering is about caring for children and young people in your own home.

For many reasons, there are hundreds of children and young people across the Tees Valley being looked after by foster carers.
Many of these children will eventually return to their families.  In some cases, this may take a matter of days or weeks – so short-term foster carers are needed.  In other cases it may take much longer and children could be living with foster carers for a number of years, even into adulthood until they are ready to live independently.

Short term/temporary placements

Foster carers look after children for short periods ranging from a few days or months up to two years. Children in these placements may return to their birth family or move on to a permanent placement either via long-term fostering or adoption.

Long term/permanent placements

Foster carers provide children and young people with a family throughout their childhood and support them into adulthood.

Short break/respite placements

Foster carers offer children a series of short breaks. They give respite to other foster carers who normally care for the child, or to the child’s birth family.

Emergency placements

Foster carers offer children immediate placements outside normal office hours. Children usually stay in these emergency placements for only a few days until a more permanent alternative is found.

Connected carer placements

Foster carers look after children who have been placed with them and are already known to them.


Types of Foster Carers

Types of Foster Carers

Working as a foster carer for a Local Authority within Tees Valley Fostering means you will foster children from your chosen Borough – whether that’s Darlington, Hartlepool, Middlesbrough, Redcar & Cleveland or Stockton-on-Tees. You will work directly with a Supervising Social Worker from your own Borough, who is employed by your Local Authority. There is no ‘intermediary’ – you will be part of a local team for local children.

However, you could choose to apply to an Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) to become a foster carer. Local Authorities place children through IFAs in circumstances where they are unable to place them with their own approved foster carers. If you are a foster carer with an IFA, your Supervising Social Worker will be part of the IFA team; you will not have contact, communication or support from your Local Authority, and you may foster a child from out of the area.

It’s important you understand these differences before you chose which route to becoming an approved foster carer is best for you.

Fostering is about caring for children and young people

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